Помаже Бог, браћо и сестре Хришћани
Православни Срби широм света и сви грађани наше Отаџбине Србије! Молим Вас да овај доњи мој текст на
енглеском језику пошаљете вашим пријатељима у иностранству. А на овом линку је исти текст
на српском језику са истим фотографијама:
God help us, brothers and sisters Christian Orthodox Serbs all around the world and all citizens of our Fatherland Serbia! Please, send this below my text in English language to your friends abroad. And on this link is the same text in the Serbian language with the same photos:
God help us, brothers and sisters Christian Orthodox Serbs all around the world and all citizens of our Fatherland Serbia! Please, send this below my text in English language to your friends abroad. And on this link is the same text in the Serbian language with the same photos:
"Били смо само деца
а и даље умиремо од НАТО бомбардовања...
Молимо Вас деконтаминирајте Србију!"
We were just
children and we are
still dying from
NATO bombing...
decontaminate Serbia!
Why do the children and citizens of
Serbia still must dying of cancer and leukemia from the irradiated nuclear depleted uranium from
NATO bombing in 1999, for 20 years after and in the future? Why the West
will not help us to decontaminate our land,
rivers, etc.?
Dear friend from the
why NATO bombed Serbia 1999. with irradiated,
radioactive, nuclear, depleted uranium, then was Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro) and Montenegro was only symbolically bombarded but Serbia suffered 99% of the attacks, because is more
and more our children and adult people die of tumors and leukemia for 20 years and probably will die even more until the land in Serbia will
be decontaminated?
If there was a bad policy of Serbia then
why did not West just kill with the assassination the president of Yugoslavia (or Serbia) Slobodan
Milosevic? Half of the citizens of Serbia did not support Milosevic and yet
since then until today, we die of cancer, regardless of our political or other commitment, we are dying or we may die of cancer, God forbid. Almost every citizen of Serbia knows people or relatives from Serbia who died of cancer after 1999. I know many of my relatives
and friends in Serbia who have died of cancer in recent years. Many young children in Serbia die of cancer. The Serbs
in Kosovo and Albanians, too, and everyone, die of cancer, and NATO soldiers in
Kosovo are ill. Is not it a genocide against the citizens of Serbia?
Why and who needed depleted uranium in NATO bombs?
In 1999, NATO in Yugoslavia killed about 2,000 people, including 79
children. Even unborn babies were killed by NATO bombs, three of the
pregnant women, two Serbs women Ljiljana Spasic (26 years old) and Ana Markovic
(26 years old) and one Albanian women Djula Zulfuri (22 years old). According to these other data, NATO killed 126
children in Yugoslavia, Serb, Albanian and Gypsy, and a list of their names and surnames, years of age, date
and place of death are here:
(On serbian languange:
In 1995, NATO bombed Serbs in Republika Srpska in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in 1999, NATO
bombed SR Yugoslavia, composed of Serbia and Montenegro,
but 99% was bombed Serbia and only slightly and
symbolically Montenegro. NATO bombed Serbia
even three months, every day.
but 99% was bombed Serbia and only slightly and
symbolically Montenegro. NATO bombed Serbia
even three months, every day.
It should be noted that many Serbs have
expelled from surrounding countries. In Serbia alone, we have about a million Serb refugees from Kosovo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia fleeing from war during the 1990s and later
from Kosovo, from the crimes of the Albanians. Others also committed crimes against
Serbs, as in the Second World War, Croatian Nazis Ustashe, Muslim and Albanian
Nazis, etc. And no one from them has ever been
punished for it all. On the contrary,
Serbia has delivered its entire political and military top to the Hague court
and everyone has been convicted sentenced to long prison and some have died in
Hague court as well as the former president
of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, who was poisoned by Hague doctors with harmful
It is clear that NATO wanted the occupation
of Kosovo to build its large military base closer to Russia. Also, Kosovo has
many minerals, mines, companies and
factories that were built by Serbs mostly. Albanians are not educated and
capable. The Albanians massively bought
their college diplomas for money.
Almost all this on Kosovo is now owned by
people from the US and the West who were politicians and encouraged the bombing
of Serbia in 1999. So it was classical conquest another state and turning it into a colony.
Albanians on Kosovo in Serbia after the Second World War lived very
comfortably, a hundred times better than in Albania, and that is why Albanians massively
from Albania settled Kosovo in Serbia. On Kosovo they got apartments, they did not pay for electricity,
water, utilities, etc. All these were tolerated them by the Serbs. Albanians on Kosovo had schools and faculties in their albanian language and complete freedom.
Traveling to the sea, I traveled with my father in the 1980s with a car
through Kosovo. That day, we saw and counted that the Albanians carry around
eight flags of the state of Albania, and we have not seen a none flag of
Serbia. Seeing our Belgrade car registration, Albanian people and children along the
road watched us with great hatred, and even then in Kosovo they often shoot
with stones on cars from other parts of Serbia.
Albanians are like people who if you give them your finger, they want your
hand, and if you give them a hand, they also want your whole hand, and their
indignation and insecurity never end. And so the Albanians wanted to take away from us the entire land of Kosovo,
which had been Serbian and in Serbia since the early Middle Ages.
As in the Second World War Albanians committed
lot of crimes against Serbs since the 1980s. Albanians were destroyed the Christian
Orthodox Serbian churches and monasteries, graves, raped serbian
women and girls, killing serbian children, there was a lot of things.
of Serbia fought against Albanian terrorists who were firing at Serb from
albanians civilians houses, they were wearing dead terrorists in a civilian
suit, photographed and sent photos to the West as
"Serbian crimes" as Serbs had killed civilians, etc. When the albanians
terrorists were defeated, they forced Albanian civilians to massively leave
Kosovo in Albania and acting a humanitarian catastrophe and thus provoke NATO
bombing of Serbia.
It's not all that the Albanians say. They
lie to you in the West.
At the time of peace in former SFR Yugoslavia, I was in the Yugoslav People's Army with
all the nations of Yugoslavia and even with the Albanians, and I lived with
them a full one year of military
service. These Albanians were primitive, half-wild, aggressive, they were not
ashamed of anything, they were aggressive when they were in the group, and when
they alone they were very kind, they acted fake kindness. On Kosovo Albanian
terrorists always killed Serb policemen from the back. Albanians are not even
good Muslims; they are not civilized as Muslims of other nations. Most
Albanians have a wild look in their eyes, full of hatred towards all who were
not for them. I did not hate them neither then until now, but they hate the
Serbs and anyone who is not obeyed them.
Albanian terrorists expelled from Kosovo not only Serbs, but also
Gypsies, and other nations and peoples, and even killed their own Albanians who were loyal
to his state Serbia.
Today, Kosovo is a country without economy and jobs, a country full of drug
dealers, prostitution and crime, and the Albanian
mafia is strong and famous in the world. To Albanians are not enough
Kosovo, they want Great Albania from half of Montenegro, half of northern
Macedonia and with northern Greece.
Right after the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the citizens of
Serbia in 2000, through elections and mass protests in the streets of capital
Belgrade, replaced the entire government and brought a new government that for 15 years fulfilled all the requirements of the West, the United States and the EU, and the current government has been actively cooperates with the West to this day, from which the citizens of Serbia expect some more concrete benefit and respect from that West.
And why we all in Serbia still must to die from cancer from the
radiation of depleted uranium from NATO bombs?
Why the West does not help Serbia decontaminate our land, rivers,
We can not return our children of Serbia that NATO was killed, but after
that war in peace, for 20 years until today, our children and
citizens of Serbia have died of cancer and leukemia, and we must try to stop it
and save those who would in the future fall ill, suffer and died.
Since 20 years now, Serbia has meets the almost all the requirements of the West, and the West if has even a shred of
humanity or Christian compassion in himself, is obliged and should
help us to decontaminate
Since NATO killed the Serbs, Albanians and other peoples in Serbia in
1999, calling this "Merciful Angel" operation, why after 20 years of
our obedience and submission to the West, we the citizens of Serbia did not met
to a someone "Merciful angel" who does not sows death but saves
lives which would help us decontaminate Serbia along with Kosovo, which would
save the lives of Albanians and Albanian children?
The angel who sows death is dark fallen angel, an
angel of the devil, evil spirit, demon, but God's angel sows life and saves human
Fresco of Saint new martyr child
Milica Rakic
and Holy Martyrs from NATO in the Serbian
Orthodox Church
and Holy Martyrs from NATO in the Serbian
Orthodox Church
Fresco of Saint new martyr of NATO child Milica Rakic
in the Serbian Orthodox Church, Monastery Tvrdosh,
Trebinje, Herzegovina
in the Serbian Orthodox Church, Monastery Tvrdosh,
Trebinje, Herzegovina
Fresco of new martyr of NATO child Milica Rakic
in the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Great
Martyr Dimitri in Bajchetina near Kragujevac, Serbia,
founders and donors are Tomislav and Dragica
Nikolic, former president of Serbia and his wife
in the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Great
Martyr Dimitri in Bajchetina near Kragujevac, Serbia,
founders and donors are Tomislav and Dragica
Nikolic, former president of Serbia and his wife
killed Milica of
We can communicate “Big
but I don't want
you to harass me,
because in 1999, as
you know,
you sowed
irradiated bombs and grenades on us!
For three months
your rockets have been killing us,
you killed
civilians, children, old men, pregnant women,
killed a
three-year-old kid on baby toilet bowl!
Your victims and
our killed
you called
"collateral damage",
and now you want Kosovo
and Metohia
to abduct from us,
and give to our
killers as gift!
Your killing us,
you called
"the Merciful Angel,"
so can he be a
merciful angel,
the one who kills
an innocent child
on baby toilet bowl?
Milica is real and truly
An angel of God,
and you are murderers!
And indeed you are
angels, but fall,
dark, devils,
satanic angels,
angels of darkness,
dark, hell and stench,
evil spirits,
Vladimir Jankovic
I dedicated this poem to the girl Milica
Rakic and to all the victims of the NATO
bombing of FR Yugoslavia, mostly Serbia, in 1999. I wrote the poem on the day
of the Saint Apostle and Evangelist Luke in 2007 A.D. (Anno
Domini, year of our Lord, year after Christ), and in it I am further outragedit because it was preparing what happened next 2008, with the
support of the NATO Pact, the Albanian unilateral declaration of Kosovo's
independence from Serbia.
This is not a poem against the NATO Pact and the West, because many
Orthodox Serbs, Greeks, Russians and other good people and Christians lived
there too, and have given mankind many good, humane, divine and useful works of
love, wisdom and beauty through culture, art, movies, music, literature,
science... This is a poem against crime, injustice and sin. Cry and
prayer, and us Serbs, for justice, God, life, goodness, joy, love,
peace, development and progress.
Saint New Martyr
Milica Batajnichka.
Batajnica is part of Belgrade where she lived and
in her home in the bathroom on a children's potty
she was killed from NATO bomb.
in her home in the bathroom on a children's potty
she was killed from NATO bomb.
The song "Song to a Little Angel" with English
translation, titled, about a three-year-old girl, Milica
Rakic, killed in NATO bombing 1999 in Yugoslavia
in the capital Belgrade:
Milivoj Lemi Mrdakovic
- Song to a Little Angel - A Little Angel Song
(Миливој Леми Мрдаковић
- Песма малом анђелу - Pesma malom andjelu)
translation, titled, about a three-year-old girl, Milica
Rakic, killed in NATO bombing 1999 in Yugoslavia
in the capital Belgrade:
Milivoj Lemi Mrdakovic
- Song to a Little Angel - A Little Angel Song
(Миливој Леми Мрдаковић
- Песма малом анђелу - Pesma malom andjelu)
The same song sung by a boy at
a children's
music competition on Serbian television Pink:
music competition on Serbian television Pink:
Komnen Vukovic - Song of
little angel
Vuković - Pesma o malom anđelu)
The same song at the children's
council (concert) of Montenegro:
council (concert) of Montenegro:
Komnen Vukovic A Little
Angel Song
(Комнен Вуковић Пјесма о малом анђелу)
(Комнен Вуковић Пјесма о малом анђелу)
After everything experienced, said and
written about NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, about our serbian wars in the 1990s and about the earlier
wars in our history, I stand for peace in Serbia and the whole world, let it be
no war for anyone, I do not want war to anybody! Often I pray to God for peace
in Serbia, the Balkans, the region and the world, I am reconciling Serbs among us
and reconciling Serbs with other nations, reconciling myself with myself and
myself with God, I do not hate anyone, I do not want revenge on anyone.
"My revenge! (Revenge is Mine!)", "You do not judge that you
would not be judged", "What kind of judgment do you judge others, so
God will judge you", says the Lord in the Holy Bible, and says the Lord's
Prayer "Our Father ... forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”, and
God will judge all of us, to each person personally, the most rightfully
judgment, and I want all people to repent of their sins and I want all the best
to everyone on
our planet Earth, and to have good thoughts, to
good words and do good deeds, and so We deserve our eternal life in paradise,
the Kingdom of God! Amen! God give that to us!
Vladimir Jankovic
April 2019 A.D.
Domini, year of our Lord, year after Christ)
Orthodox Serbian
Religious brotherhood and sisterhood since 2012
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Vladimir Jankovic
Владимир Янкович
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